lördag 2 november 2013

Happy Halloween

Thursday it was halloween and I still have my cold... Insted of go out in town I decided to go with the family to a Trick or Treat party for the kids. I had make some halloweenfood picturing mummies (see below) and it took hours because I wanted it perfect, which it didn't become in the end haha. The kids were so cute in their dresses and we started to go in the neighborhood for trick or treat. They were thrilled about how much candy they could collect! Everyone brought food and it was delicious. 
Yesterday we had a dinner for Jess who is moving to another city :( buhu. but now i'm heading off to johanna over the weekend. Kisses

1 kommentar:

  1. Läckara halloween tilltugg.Roligt för dig att få gå runt med bus eller godis.Hur var du utklädd själv?
    Så söta de små var.
    Kramis //// mammma
