måndag 30 september 2013

School holiday

Today starts the school holidays for two weeks, which means everything we used to go to are closed (playgroups, swim lesson, dance group)... Makes it hard for us to spend the days in a fun way. Our plan for today was therefore to visit the playland called Chipmunks with Ashley and the kids. We had fun and the children really liked it! After Viggo's sleep did we go to Ashley's house (or the kids house that she takes care of) and played for a while.
By the way, I'm now 11 hours before you in time difference (I have summertime). When you change to winter time I get 12 hours before.
Now am I sitting in the bed after a good workout at the gym and planning a road trip for weekend. Hopefully the weather is getting better, it's still windy and rainy. Kisses

1 kommentar:

  1. Det kan ju vara skönt för gullungarna och dig bara ta dagen som den kommer.
    Träffa de andra au-pairerna som bor en bit ifrån och deras barn.
    Kramis på er
