söndag 6 juli 2014


Heeey my lovely family and friends from home. The time just flies by and it's only few weeks until I leave my amazing life in NZ to start a new adventure in OZ!!! Excited and nervous as I have no idea where to live, work or find apartment. Everything solves in the end and I'm sure I'll love the life over there. I'm away for about alother half a year and then I'll be home in Sweden. Crazy! 
My pics are only from my phone and have much more stuff om the other cameras but this will give you a short review. Enjoy 😘

The sisters Karlsson 

Fun to be silly at work 

Agnes and Viggo's hut in his wardrobe 

Agnes and her friends at Kindy painted this house! 

I finally have my beautiful Pandora bracelet I got from my parents and grandparents in birthdaypresent!! I chose to buy a charm of the New Zealand silverfern ( the middle one). Thank you so much again ❤️

Bustrip to big city and we visited the marine museum of Auckland. A lovely day together with Agnes and Viggo.

Tuesdays at Lina's place. Mission of today: put the race track together 👍

Happy birthday Viggo 2 years old!!!! ❤️ 
Few exciting gifts he got: a lawn mower, grass trimmer, clothes, gumboots, crayolas, cars etc. 

My big task, print pictures from my year in NZ and make a handmade photoalbum. Here's a sneak peak. 

Agnes and Viggo ready for disco at her Kindy!!

Cosy dinner at Lina's home. For birthday she got those candleboxes of her name from her mum. 

Sibling love! 

Few hours after the pic above was taken Viggo had an accident. Off to a&e where Katja met us and they had to glue his cut. Thanks for all people who helped me. He recovered quick as you can see in the pic and hopefully the scar gets more invidable during future years. 

Bikinig at Waiheke Island. Rent a electrical tandeem bike with Mary and we had som much fun! The island with stunning nature and lots of vineyards is amzing. Just outside Auckland city. 

Cool car at Waiheke 

Happy Swedish midsummer!! 🌺 
Celebrate midsummer with Karin, Emma and Lina. We had selfmade and
 absolutly delicious food and of course we made those special flowercoronals. Drank Swedsh Rekorderlig and Skåne snapps. 

Haha only pic i had on my phone of Lina and me. 

Lovely Emma and Karin 😘

I made the strawberrycake with a moose on top and also Kladdkaka

Feeding ducks with Agnes friend Tally from Kindy. 

The master hut in playroom.

WELLINGTON - capitalcity of NZ

Flew to Wellington with Karin and we had an AMAZING weekend!! Everything was just perfect. Great hostel, food, beautiful weather and awesome company. Had another friend who recently moved down there and she has just start a perfect life! We had a fun night out on Saturday with this girl Lousie. 

Old cable car tour up on the mountain behind the city. Walked through the botanic garden, had lunch in the rosegarden and then walked by the waterfront.

The cafe in rosegarden where we ate lunch and had a good chat for two hours in the warm sun 🌹☀️

Sunset in Wellington. Stunning. 

Why not lay in a bush and watch the sun go down. 

Dinner in Friday night with Karin and Louise. First time I ate hot stone meal, which is a plate and a hot stone with raw meat and you cook it by yourself. I had lambribs but I'm trying to avoid carbs so didn't eat the fries 🙏

In Wellington airport a huge Gollum hangs in the roof. A bit scary if I would say 

Tuesdays at Lina's 

Pyjama party at Mainly Music. 
Btw. I taught Agnes to tie her shoelaces by herself! I'm proud of her new skills who always seems to appear here and there. 

Cinema with section Gold Class! I got this from my hostparents so I invited Lina to come. We saw the Transformers and the salong is based with huge comfy chairs and during the movie you can order all kinds of food, desserts, snacks and drinks. How fancy aye!! Sad we don't have that at home

Viggo is so cute with his green boots, jacket and big bag. 

Myra is soon three months and has become SO big but she is still really cute. She feels more awake nowdays and she starts to smile a lot

Midsummerparty nr. 2! Lots of swedes and few other nationalities yesterday night. We had food, games and dancing around the midsummer pole!! 

Fun night!! My team didn't win though haha. Here we have Karin, Maria, Evelina and Åsa

I'm so gonna miss you Lina!!! In three weeks she will travel around with her sister for a month and next time we'll meet in Aussie. There we will travel eastcoast for four weeks. Exciting!!! Time goes so quick and soon I'll be in my mext adventure in OZ!!! 

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