onsdag 13 augusti 2014

It's the final countdown

My year in New Zealand has now come to a end. Next week I will leave this amazing country and I can't describe my feelings. I'm both happy to move on for upcoming adventures, and of course sad to leave the life I built up with friends and host family. Many of my friends have already left so it's not the same as it used to be anyway. Memories of my time in New Zealand make me smile, because I have met so many wonderful people from all over the world and I have seen such a gorgeous places. As the last mentioned, I have never traveled so much in a year as I have done here. 
During my year I have also grown as a person of course. I got a life experience that to be honest changed my life. As I mentioned before I made new friends from different countries and cultures, which have given me a better self esteem. I lived with a family who have taught me so many things like how to take care of a household (cooking, cleaning and do the grocery shopping etc.), how to make a family stay together, how a life with kids would be and to live with a family and adapt to their lifestyle without loosing mine. I can make the list long over what I've learned in New Zealand, but most important is that I feel stronger and more secure as a person and not as stressed as I used to be. The lifestyle in this country can't be more laid back and easygoing. 
Thanks to internet that I have been able to talk to nearest and dearest at home without problem and to show my life through this blog. In the end I didn't uploaded as much as I planed from the beginning... I have also seen whats happening at home by Facebook etc. 
Here's the last pictures from my time in New Zealand. Thanks to you who have followed my trip at this blog and soon a new adventure will be the main theme at www.carolinefrossling.blogspot.com so keep an eye for that. 
Love from Caroline

Hard work work

Make my photo album over the year in NZ. Takes time cause I make it by hand

Day trip with Mary and Nathan to Muriwai beach

Here I have been surfing few times

Went to another beach further away and walked through a horse paddock

Gonna miss these views

Messy time with Tally, last playdate with her

Viggo borrowed my sunglasses when the sun was in his eyes. so cute

Celebrate Jenny's 20th birthday with bowling and then party in town. last time I went out in Auckland :(

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